Local Plan update – Selby District
Paul Leeming, Director of our North and West Yorkshire region, offers his thoughts on the recently launched next stage Selby District Local Plan.
The Preferred Options Plan stage is published for public consultation from 29th January to 12th March.
It sets out how, over the next twenty years, the Council seeks to balance the delivery of more than 8,000 new homes, economic development, community facilities and infrastructure with the enhancement of biodiversity and environmental resilience.
It does not provide all the answers to the development problems Selby District faces, providing landowners and developers in the District the opportunity to put forward their development land and sites.
Much of the land in the Selby District is prone to flooding and the Council has made a pledge to avoid development on greenbelt land, but this is at odds with their development aspirations for the District. This consultation is at the Preferred Options stage, so land that has already been submitted may be reassessed alongside new development plots.
We can provide a free initial review of your land and give you an honest appraisal of its prospects given the circumstances, presented by this opportunity. If this of interest please don’t hesitate to contact Paul on 0776 749 9649 or paul.leeming@mplanning.co.uk