Forest of Dean Call for Sites

We understand the importance of submitting your Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Form (SHELAA) with the best possible case presented to get your land allocated in the local plan process and we have a track record of success in getting results for our clients in Gloucestershire and across England.

Forest of Dean has issued its annual call for development sites.

This is an important part of the evidence gathering process in making the big decisions about where new developments should go. If you have land that could be developed in the Forest of Dean, now is the time to present this land to the Council.

The benefit of our input is our knowledge and expertise in understanding National and emerging planning policy to make the best case possible and make your site stand out in a highly competitive marketplace.

The call for sites runs until 31st March 2022.

Nathan McLoughlin is a specialist in this and has a long track record of adding significant value to his client’s land. He doesn’t charge for that first conversation and is more than happy take a look at your land to advise you on the next best steps. Call him on 01242 895008 or email