Planning permission secured to discharge conditions for flat conversion in Croydon

McLoughlin Planning is pleased to have helped a local London developer in discharging planning conditions associated with a recently approved residential flat conversion in the London Borough of Croydon.

Once planning permission had been granted, the developer was tied by some pre-commencement and pre-occupation planning conditions. Discharging these correctly is key to ensuring development progress and is inhabited lawfully to avoid any future enforcement action being taken.

Whilst planning conditions can in some instances be straightforward to manage and discharge, in this instance, the Council were raising concerns and further requirements with reference to the developer’s proposed cycle and bin store layouts. The Council did not believe the design appropriately complied with the relevant design guidance and wanted to see electric charging for the proposed cycle shelter for electric cycles.

On review of the referenced guidance, and further relevant documents, it was noted that some of the Council’s requests, including the electric cycle charging points, were not policy requirements and therefore, as much as desirable, not required. Working closely with the applicant and case officer minor revisions were made to address some of the concerns raised and push back on areas which were not required and costly for the developer to implement.

This diplomatic approach was not challenged by the Council and the relevant conditions were successfully discharged allowing the development to commence. In addition, working closely with the architect, landscaping was also introduced in alternative places to help soften the frontage of the building and ensure positive placemaking.

We are excited to see the homes completed and occupied and are glad that our input helped ensure a timely decision and a result which can be considered positive by the Council, developer, and future occupiers.

Chris Moore has over 8 years of working on various scaled projects across the City of London and Southeast England. If you have land and/or property where you are considering your options, please contact him on 01242 89005 or email to start a conversation.