Where to look for housing development sites in South Worcestershire

Finding development sites in any area is a challenge and the South Worcestershire Development Plan Review (SWDPR), Regulation 19 Version, has been out for two weeks now. We now have a detailed picture of where the SWDPR is looking to direct future patterns of growth. By sharing this with you, we are making your site finding task easier by telling where to look.

The SWDPR is a big document (weighing in at 356 pages) and to make it more manageable, we’ve created a summary document, extracting the key policy (SWDPR03) and pages from Annex 1, which crucially lists the various locations across the three LPAs where development can (and cannot take place). Thus providing you with a better understanding of the SWDPR approach to “urban areas” and “rural areas” and the various settlements within them.

Knowing where to look however, is only part of the equation, the other part is understanding whether the site has potential or not. Owing to our detailed understanding of the Plan and our experience in promoting sites and working with promotion teams, we can equally advise as to whether that site is the right one to promote.

As this is a Regulation 19 Version of the Plan, there is still time to make submissions, seeking the allocation of your site through the SWDPR process. We are advising several parties of this now, so we have a detailed understanding of the Plan and would be happy to discuss any other potential opportunity in time for the 13 December 2022 deadline.


If this is of interest please don’t hesitate to speak to any of these team membersNathan McLoughlin
Russell Smith
Katherine Brommage

#development #housing #planning