Do I need planning permission for a wildlife pond?
Possibly Yes!
We are pleased to have secured planning permission for a series of wildlife ponds with the Dorset Council.
The application for Wildlife ponds required planning permission because of their need for engineering operations to implement. The initial concept was to introduce a single pond within the site, however, the original application had to be withdrawn due to concerns around landscape impact.
The key issues raised throughout the application:
- Larger centred around landscape impact.
- Impacts on existing biodiversity on the site.
After consultation the scheme was updated to include 3 smaller ponds, this was done to ensure that there was greater habitat diversity and to create additional complementary habitats as well as the main features. The 3 smaller ponds were all connected to allow water flow and of different sizes to promote greater diversity.
Working alongside Petra Ulrik Landscape Architects to ensure that the proposal was sympathetic to the landscape and utilised native non-invasive species of planting to be consistent with the area’s existing character, whilst providing biodiversity enhancements. Having Petra on board from the start ensured that the proposal was developed with a clear understanding of how the proposal would alter the existing landscape and to ensure that native species were included at all stages.
The proposal offers useful insight into the possibilities of developing agricultural land for biodiversity net gain. By implementing a wildlife haven in this location the biodiversity and landscape character for the area are richer than if existing agricultural practices were to continue. In our experience, providing wildlife ponds in a sympathetic manner adds both to the character and the biodiversity of the site and the wider setting. The pre-application process allowed for open discussions on the proposal’s concerns to overcome issues including landscape impacts at an early stage and ensure a smooth application process.
By working proactively with the Local Authority through the application life cycle we were able to ensure a smooth process where the application was determined within the statutory deadline.
Our experienced team can help you secure green infrastructure and other wildlife improvements in a wide range of circumstances.
📞 If you would like a FREE initial consultation call, then please get in touch!