Permission granted for 5 new homes
Permission granted for 5 dwellings in Blockley, Gloucestershire, Cotswold District Council
Mcloughlin Planning are thrilled to have helped a landowner secure planning permission for the demolition of a single dwelling and the erection of 5 well designed dwellings in a sensitive location in the centre of Blockley.
The proposal site formed an existing dwelling and commercial garaging in the centre of Blockley, set within the Conservation Area and the Cotswold AONB. Working closely with the Architectural team, technical consultants and the client, we evolved a scheme which would make best and most viable use of the site taking into consideration the constraints of the site, including the size, location sensitivity and existing conditions.
Being in the heart of Blockley it was important to engage with the Council and local community to understand their assessment and thoughts on the development. The Council agreed that the proposal was proportionate in scale, complimentary to the character, and supportive of the vitality of the local community and therefore considered acceptable.
The development site’s location in the AONB and Conservation Area and with a high number of mature trees, meant that the architectural design, landscaping, and layout of the proposal needed to be carefully considered to be sympathetic and where possible enhance the existing conditions to reflect the prevailing character and appearance of the area.
This project demonstrates the importance of a carefully considered scheme designed holistically to ensure the proposal addresses the constraints and provides betterment where possible, and the importance of a well-assembled project team.
If you would like a FREE initial consultation call, then please get in touch!
Chris Fleming,