Transforming Nottingham: Class MA Prior Approval Consent Achieved for New Flats Development

Working with a landowner in the centre of Nottingham, McLoughlin Planning is pleased to have secured prior approval consent for the conversion of a disused retail/office space to provide a mixed-use retail (ground floor) with residential flats above.

Upon purchasing the property, the landowner approached us to appraise the property’s planning opportunities to bring the building back into viable use. Whilst its mid-terrace layout and town centre location brought several physical constraints and some policy constraints (i.e. Conservation Area), we believed the building could take advantage of its very sustainable location to provide a mixed-use development.

Class MA prior approval rights provide owners of Class E commercial properties with an opportunity to secure consent for residential use permitted development, provided they can demonstrate the property passes a few limitations and conditions.

Assessing the property against the requirements of Class MA and working closely with the landowner’s architects (Kenko Architects), we were able to present a case which demonstrated compliance with prior approval to provide 3 x residential flats with a retained retail ground floor. This included demonstrating that the proposal will preserve the Conservation Area.

With previous success applying for Class MA conversions to provide new homes (see our article here), we are pleased that we were able to help the landowner find a new use for the property and provide new homes in the City of Nottingham.

If you would like a FREE initial consultation call to explore whether your property could benefit from prior approval rights, then please get in touch!


Chris Moore,

01242 895008