We are delighted that following our involvement, planning permission has been secured for a garage conversion to enlarge the habitable living space of a mews house in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC), despite a historic refusal on site for a similar scheme. The result of our recent planning approval will be the creation of a more spacious family home in a central and sustainable location, whilst also future proofing the building through important renovation works.

When a second opinion counts in planning

Our team was initially approached to assist following a planning refusal by RBKC for a similar scheme.  The key concerns raised by the Local Planning Authority (LPA) related to:

  • The impact of the proposed design on the conservation area;
  • Loss of car parking through the garage conversion and the subsequent additional on-street parking pressures.

As the property was centrally located in London, existing data advised us that surrounding streets were already heavily subscribed with parking permits and therefore could not afford the additional pressures. Furthermore, whilst garage conversions can, in some instances, be undertaken without the need for planning permission, a historic planning condition on the Mews property prevented the occupiers from benefiting from this opportunity.

Following a detailed review of the project, the previous refusal, the site’s context, and the relevant policies in the new Local Plan, we felt that there would be merit in revisiting the scheme and prepared a planning strategy for moving the project forward.

Turning a planning refusal into an approval – collaboration is key

Given the sensitive nature of the site, we worked closely with the team at Haine & Co Architects, to ensure that the revised design responded to the concerns raised in the previous planning refusal. The updated design sought to create a development which would be architecturally sympathetic to the age and character of the host building- reinforcing the original integrity of the site and its environs which was praised in the Officer’s Report.  Furthermore, the additional space at the property would allow for a more comfortable living space and would make best use of the existing footprint.

Regarding the parking issues, we prepared and presented a case to the LPA that a Section 106 legal agreement could be used to make the development “car-free”, given the site’s highly sustainable location. This would assuage concerns over additional pressures to on-street parking in the vicinity.

Following submission of the application, we liaised regularly with the case officer, ensuring they had everything they needed to make a timely determination. Upon completion of the legal agreement, the Council acknowledged that the previous reasons for refusal had been overcome and that Planning Permission could now be granted.

The importance of a strategic planning approach  

The above case is a useful reminder that a planning refusal does not necessarily mean that your development aspirations must come to a halt. Indeed, a refusal can help your proposals evolve, especially when combined with a strategic planning approach.

If you have recently had a planning refusal and would like a member of our team to review your case and explore whether there is a way forward to secure planning approval for your project, then please contact us through either our “Arrange a Call” tab on our contact page or via the email and telephone number provided below:

Chris Moore – Director

T: 01242895008

E: chris.moore@mplanning.co.uk

McLoughlin Planning has successfully obtained planning permission to demolish an existing dwelling and construct a larger replacement dwelling in the Tewkesbury Borough.  The site’s location within the Cotswolds National Landscape (formerly the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) and particularly the Gloucester-Cheltenham Green Belt presented significant challenges to achieving the client brief. In partnership with Coombes Everitt Architects and Willder Ecology –we secured the demolition of a dilapidated dwelling dating from the 1920s, and the construction of a larger contemporary replacement dwelling.

Defining the term ‘materially larger’ in the Green Belt?  A holistic comparison can be key

Councils often provide inconsistent guidance or, more challenging still, no guidance at all in terms of the size of a replacement building one is allowed to construct in the Green Belt. The key planning policy test for this application was that the new dwelling could not be “materially larger” than the existing dwelling, which inevitably raised the question: what is meant by this subjective term?

McLoughlin Planning successfully negotiated with the case officer to agree that the proposed dwelling was not materially larger, thus allowing planning permission to be granted. One of the key lessons learnt from this project is that it is not simply a question of comparing the existing and proposed floor areas. The Council will also take into consideration the differences in height, footprint, and volume, in addition to floor area, when deciding whether a replacement building is “materially larger”. Providing a holistic comparison can be the difference between approval and refusal.

I own a property in the Green Belt – how can I obtain planning permission for my project?

We are absolutely delighted with the positive outcome on this project, which will turn an almost unusable dwelling into a well-designed home.  The team at McLoughlin Planning are very experienced in the nuances surrounding these types of development projects and navigating the complexities of challenging land designations.   If you have a project that might benefit from our expertise, then get in contact with one of our planning consultants to find out how we can best assist you.


Joe Seymour – Associate Director

E: joe.seymour@mplanning.co.uk

T: 01242895008



Image source: Coombes: Everitt Architects (2024)

Project Team:

McLoughlin Planning (Planning consultants)

Coombes Everitt Architects (Architects)

Willder Ecology (Ecologist)

Now that the revisions to the NPPF have been out for several weeks, we can see how the proposed changes are starting to impact the planning system and the likely consequences for policy-making and decision-making. This article reports on our experiences and thoughts to date and is based on the changes going through as proposed.

Policy Making – revisions to the Standard Method and what this means for housing provision

Turning to policy making, the most crucial point is the revisions to the Standard Method, which sees dramatic increases in housing numbers across the Country. We are working in several LPAs with plans currently being examined, with housing targets of more than 200 homes lower than the Revised Standard Method figure (RSM). The immediate consequence is that it will lead to plans needing to be updated at the point of adoption and subject to immediate review. This opens the door to speculative development applications coming forward, with few options available to LPAs to defend their position.

For those LPAs in the formative stages of Plan making, where they have the opportunity to accommodate those changes, from our discussions with Policy Managers, whilst using the RSM figure is mandatory, the requirement to achieve the RSM figure is more flexible. There is a genuine concern in some LPAs about whether there are simply enough sites available in SHLAAs to meet an RSM requirement. This creates an opportunity for more sites to come forward.

Why is this important? Simply put, policy is everything; it is the tool by which planning decisions are made, and the reforms to the NPPF impact how current policy tools are used. This places a significant emphasis on understanding the strategy implications of the changes as much as the policy tools themselves. We have extensive experience in guiding our clients through the maze of strategy decisions which have to be made on development projects, and the revisions have increased the complexity of this maze and, at the same time, opened up new opportunities. Our team can help you make the most of these opportunities.

Reforming the Green Belt? Welcome to the Grey Belt

The proposed Green Belt reforms are massive as it’s the first time Government Policy has codified when and how Green Belt land should be released for development. These include:

  •  Re-writing of the very special circumstances test to allow for a 5-year housing land supply to be used as a VSC justification.
  •  Introducing the Grey Belt  – this is not just brownfield land, but also land that does not contribute to the Green Belt’s overall purposes in the first place.

Why is this important?

These reforms directly target brownfield land and peripheral sites on the edge of towns and villages within the Green Belt, for development. Whereas previously, such sites were highly protected by the Green Belt policy, it now allows for a more nuanced approach to assessing their contribution and whether they should be developed. For example, will the loss of a site 100 metres into a Green Belt which is several kilometres in area have a material impact on the openness of the Green Belt? In principle and under the reforms, arguably not. Whereas currently, such a loss would be unacceptable.

Concluding thoughts for the development community

Planning reform presents a significant opportunity for the development community to deliver sites that may have been thwarted by previous government policy. What is clear is that the team at McLoughlin Planning can use our extensive strategy experience to examine all the options available to you, guide you through the process and enable you to realise the development potential of your site, that may not have previously existed.

We are in the process of responding to the latest NPPF consultation, but what with recent Written Ministerial Statements and a lot of chatter surrounding planning reform it is hard to identify what the practical implications may be.

If you want to know how the latest proposals may impact your development aspirations moving forward, don’t hesitate to contact us via: info@mplanning.co.uk


Nathan McLoughlin – Managing Director



Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system

WMS made on 30 July 2024

McLoughlin Planning is pleased to have assisted in securing a householder Planning Permission for extensions and alterations to a family home in Camden, London.

Previous experience works in our favour for London build extensions

McLoughlin Planning was approached after the submission of a householder planning application with the London Borough of Camden. The architecture firm, Simon Miller Architects, who we worked with on this project, received correspondence from the assigned case officer, who raised concerns about elements of the proposal to extend the family home and wanted to provide additional space to the rear and convert a ground floor garage to provide an additional internal living space.

New planning Administration Approach? We are here to help!

Due to a recent change to Camden’s internal planning application management policy, applicants are being advised that they will get one opportunity to submit corrections (if the Camden Council considers a route forward can be agreed) before a decision is issued. Negotiations and contact with CamdenCouncil’s planning officers are also limited because of this new policy. Therefore, the scope for engagement and agreeing on a way forward is heavily constrained.


Let’s go back to the beginning reviewing existing plans and sourcing relevant policies equals planning permission granted!

Working from the email feedback provided, we reviewed it against the relevant Local Plan policies and provided the architect with feedback on how to amend the proposal and a supporting letter offering further policy justification and feedback to the planning officer to assist in revisiting the plans. Following the submission of this additional information, we then helped the architect and applicant with further correspondence with the Council and a review of proposed draft planning conditions provided by the planning officer before the Decision Notice was issued.

By assisting through the later part of the management of the application, we are pleased that a positive outcome could be reached and Planning Permission granted.

Seek planning advice for a smooth sail application process

The above application is a reminder that seeking planning advice before submission can help to manage the need for potential amendments, particularly where Local Planning Authorities are adopting a “no negotiation” or “limited submitted amendments” policy. However, our flexible working approach means that should you need input or advice from one of our planning professionals during your planning application, then please do not hesitate to contact us below:


Chris Moore – Director

T: 01242895008

E: chris.moore@mplanning.co.uk


Yes, you heard it right!

Town planners used to be Olympians (in the non-sporting events that is) and were rewarded Olympic Bronze, Silver or Gold medals for their efforts in urban developments for this iconic international sporting event.

Town Planners Going For Gold – How Did This Start? 

During the 4 Olympic Games (Amsterdam, Los Angeles, Berlin and London) between the years 1928 – 1948, medals were rewarded to town planners for an array of projects they helped to develop and produce in the run-up to the Games. Such included the development of stadiums, sports fields and training centres. The interesting thing was that town planning was categorised under architectural design for the Games – there was no separation of the two. This makes for an interesting insight and poses the question that if there were to be a modern version of town planning being an Olympic sport, it would have its own category due to the differentiation of servicing it offers from architecture.

A Modern Town Planning Olympics

While architectural design is considered in the planning system, there is so much more that the system involves for planning works to take place, such as the functioning of a space to work sustainably for communities, while maintaining the historic beauty of the land. For instance, with a new Olympic Games to take place, thought would need to be considered for residential space, retail, and educational & health environments, along with transport and public use on green spaces.

For a modern town planning Olympics, medals could be rewarded for: 

  • The most sustainable build for a sporting event.
  • Conversion of a heritage site to meet sporting needs, while maintaining its historic beauty.
  • Urban regeneration projects to build a space fit for sporting and in the future for public use and sustainable growth.

Repurpose of Olympic Parks

Over the years the Olympic Parks have been repurposed to make use of the space so it doesn’t become derelict and that the community can enjoy and take pride in using facilities and surroundings that hold such significant value.

Tokyo 2020

  • Social and community environment: it has been utilised for family sporting events.
  • Residency and commercial use: the Olympic Park has been converted to accommodate and provide leisure activities.
  • Reuse of materials: dismantled components have been distributed to local governments to use for various facilities at schools and parks.

Rio 2016

  • Underutilised venues: A lot of the Park has become underused with maintenance of infrastructure posing a problem.
  • Residential: west of the Park shows a conversion of new housing units which connects well with their Bus Rapid Transit service.

London 2012

  • Collaborative hubs: the media and broadcast centre at Here East of the Park has a community of over 6,500 working, studying and collaborating.
  • Higher education: UK educational institutions have now developed new campuses in the Park
  • Housing: Stratford in East London has been affected with private investments coming in to intensify development opportunities. However, new housing supply at the athlete’s former village may pose the threat of gentrification, leading to prices rising.


What has the Olympics in Paris got in store for regeneration and repurpose after the Games take place? Could it be new residency, utilisation for educational purposes or will it be a community space for those to gain an essence of Parisian lifestyle and enjoy a pain au chocolat or two? As town planners, we are eager to see due to the complex changes that this big worldwide event takes hold of, as development and infrastructure will impact all aspects mentioned, such as public service, the environment, commercial, transport and more.


McLoughlin Planning with special thanks to Undercover Architecture, who worked with us on this project and provided the drawings, are pleased to have gained planning permission and listed building consent for the Grade II listed private house, Somerford Keynes House, in the Cotswolds.

Listed building features required for consent

The key areas that the owner wanted consent for were:

  • Erection of a porch extension and alterations to the main house.
  • Various alterations to Kings Cottage, the Coach House and adjoining outbuildings, which are separately listed Grade II.

Contemporary Changes to the Main House

Alterations to the main house included in this recent granted permission were an addition of a French door with side lights to the side elevation, installation of roof lights in the roof valley between rafters (blocking up of a staircase to the basement with new staircase constructed to access cellar), and other minor workings such as the removal of modern partitions to allow for a more open plan space. In 2011, permission was granted for a stone porch to be added. This time round, a contemporary frameless glazed porch extension, complimented with a living green roof with pressed metal oversailing porch has been proposed to the side of the building to enhance a light and elegant feel to the house.

Family Orientated Outbuildings

In order for the outbuildings to have a more homely feel, internal changes were made to create larger spatial areas, including a raised ceiling, to accommodate for more bedrooms and a cosier setting at Kings Cottage. Proposed changes to the Coach House consist of a casement window to allow for an en-suit, which is located on the first floor to the linking section of the building. Originally, this wasn’t the case to be implemented, but due to concerns of excessive fenestration, the size of roof lights had to be changed and the dormer windows to be discarded. To allow for a modern way of travel and a tranquil Cotswold setting by the pool, an EV charging point and several air source heat pumps (ASHP), that are to be screened with timber for aesthetic purposes, were proposed.

Maintaining Historic Value and Consideration of Planning Policies

Overall, the proposed scheme has considered the historic value and beauty of the building’s original structure and the modern elements added to it over the years, therefore justifying that the new considered extensions and alterations granted for this permission will preserve the listed building for years to come. Additionally, careful considerations were sought out to ensure the development was aligned with legislation and policies, such as Section 16 of the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) for works to take place.

I’m a Listed Building Owner – When do I need to Acquire Consent?

If you are a listed building owner and are wondering whether and/or when you need to acquire for listed building consent, please get in contact and one of our planning consultants will be able to assist. Additionally, please view our article here about when to acquire for listed building consent.

Joe Seymour – Associate Director

E: joe.seymour@mplanning.co.uk

T: 01242895008

With a new head in parliament, it begs the question to ask what are Labour’s new plans and ideas for the town planning sector? Housing, the environment, commercial development & infrastructure and the planning system & Local Government are areas that Labour has suggested making changes to in their recent manifesto, so what is in store for this and what have they done in their first 7 days of power to try and implement this?

Labour Manifesto 2024

 What is Labour’s housing policy?

Labour is promising 1.5 million homes while in power. Let’s keep in mind that the current national target has been 300,000 homes per year and this was last achieved in 1977. So, what is Labour’s plan for meeting this?

For statistics on house builds over the years, please click here.

Let’s break this down:

  • Ensuring authorities have up-to-date local plans.
  • Deconstructing and rebuilding the power of sustainability.
  • Increasing funds to add more planning officers.
  • Revamping the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework).
  • Utilising the different ‘belts’ (Brown belt, Green belt & introduction of the Grey belt).
  • A new generation! Of land that is – urban extensions and regeneration projects.
  • Supporting housing associations and councils for more affordable housing.
  • Setting out steps to require cross-boundary strategic planning in combined and mayoral authorities.

What about affordable housing? Has this been considered and valued in the party’s plans?

  • Planning obligations will be heightened to ensure housing developments constitute affordable homes.
  • Making it a priority that homes should be fitted for social rent.
  • Ensuring there is enough capacity for councils and housing associations.
  • Switching up the existing Affordable Homes Programme so that existing funding is utilised for more homes.

Commercial Development & Infrastructure

Making plans to develop an industrial strategy and revising the NPPF in order to meet the current economic climate. They say this would help build laboratories, digital infrastructure, and gigafactories.

Planning System & Local Government

Labour shared their views on how the planning system will work and cooperate with local governments to help better utilise and develop the land use.

Labour has stated that in order for the planning system and the Local Government to work well together, there needs to be longer-term funding settlements for local government and better resources for planning departments (yes please!)

What has Labour stated and started to progress with, in the first 7 days?

From the recent speech by our new female Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, it would seem that Labour has started to action some of their plans from the Manifesto.

What’s up with the NPPF (national planning policy framework) and how will it support the housing crisis?

 Labour plans to reform the NPPF with a focus on their key aim, ‘growth’, for the approach to the planning system. This will be decided before the end of the month! And will include measures such as mandatory housing targets. For instance, Labour has already planned to accelerate stalled housing sites, beginning with Liverpool Central Docks, Worcester Parkway, Northstowe and Langley Sutton Coldfield, who represent a combined total of 14,000 homes. A specialised team will also be put into place to progress the stalled housing sites across the UK.

Ban on wind farms lifted!

Energy is hugely considered in the planning system for a multiple array of projects to ensure for a sustainable approach. Labour has already lifted the ban of onshore wind farms in England, that the Conservative Party deemed that having less wind farms was a good idea… how and why – nobody knows?!

Labour is going to consult on bringing onshore wind back in the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects regime, meaning decisions on large developments will be taken nationally and not locally.

Energy projects are also going to be a priority so that progression can be made (something the Conservatives seemed to lack) with ideas such as a spatial plan being created for energy by seeing where it can be placed for other infrastructure sectors.

The Secretaries of State for Transport and Energy Security and Net Zero will prioritise decisions on infrastructure projects that haven’t been thought about for quite some time

Let’s talk ‘strategic planning’!

Labour has reviewed who will take charge in parliament to help assist with the planning system and Local Government. Reeves states the following:

  • Plans are in the works to set out a policy on bringing the following to strategic planning, consisting of Combined Authority Areas, Local Growth Plans and devolution deals (transferring powers and funding from national to local government).
  • Support for local authorities with an addition of 300 Planning Officers across the country.
  • A change in minister power is needed to ensure a collaborative understanding.

The Deputy Prime Minister has been appointed to help take urgent action to assist with the planning system and stated the following:

  • Write to local mayors and the Office for investment opportunities to ensure that if there was an important planning consideration, then it will be brought to attention.
  • Local Planning Authorities will be made aware of what is to be expected of them from now on, such as universal coverage of local plans and reviews of greenbelt, brownbelt and greybelt boundaries.

What does this suggest for the future and how does this impact your development aspirations?

In a nutshell, none of us accurately know yet…

The key test will be the implementation of the revised NPPF, which is promised by the end of the month, but given how much Labour has actioned in the first 7 days and that their power word, ‘growth’, deeming to be a force in their plans, it is a clear indication of the primacy that housing and planning will take under this new Government.

Increasing resources for planning departments and support from the Deputy Prime Minister and Local Government show a clear indication the workings within the planning system will move at a faster pace, meaning that you won’t have to wait as long to see whether your planning permissions were secured or not (woohoo!).


The implementation of 300 new Planning Officers poses the question of whether it is going to be enough given that there are 317 Local Authorities in the UK. Is it really going to make a difference or will Labour have to rethink their strategy?

With the ban onshore windfarms lifted already, this sustainable source of energy implemented should help manage to lower costs as the energy delivers cheaper, cleaner, and more secure homegrown energy.

The introduction of a grey belt should hopefully benefit the housing crisis, as its aim will be to help limit large built-up areas and stop large towns from merging into one. Labour intends the grey belt to be used for new affordable family homes.

Rachel Reeves, Chancellor  [July 8th 2024] – “The work towards a decade of national renewal has begun”.

Any Questions

If you have any thoughts or questions you’d like to discuss regarding the recent promises set out by Labour, our expert planning consultants are more than happy to discuss these with you.

E: info@mplanning.co.uk

T: 01242895008


Mcloughlin Planning is pleased to have secured planning permission for a series of wildlife ponds (one in Dorset, Cirencester and Withington) with the Dorset Council.

The application concerned Wildlife ponds which required planning permission because of their need for engineering operations to implement. The initial concept was to introduce a single pond within the site, however, the original application had to be withdrawn due to concerns around landscape impact.

The key issues raised throughout the application:

  • Landscape impact
  • Impacts on the existing biodiversity on the site.

After consultation the scheme was updated to include 3 smaller ponds, to ensure greater habitat diversity and to create additional complementary habitats as well as the main features. The 3 smaller ponds were all connected to allow water flow and of different sizes to promote greater diversity.

We worked alongside Petra Ulrik Landscape Architects to ensure that the proposal was sympathetic to the landscape and utilised native non-invasive species of planting to be consistent with the area’s existing character, whilst providing biodiversity enhancements. Having Petra on board from the start ensured that the proposal was developed with a clear understanding of how the proposal would alter the existing landscape and to ensure that native species were included at all stages.

The proposal offers useful insight into the possibilities of developing agricultural land for biodiversity net gain. By implementing a wildlife haven in this location the biodiversity and landscape character of the area are richer than if existing agricultural practices were to continue.  In our experience, providing wildlife ponds in a sympathetic manner adds both to the character and the biodiversity of the site and the wider setting. The pre-application process allowed for open discussions on the proposal’s concerns to overcome issues including landscape impacts at an early stage and ensure a smooth application process.

By working proactively with the Local Authority through the application life cycle we were able to ensure a smooth process where the application was determined within the statutory deadline.

Our experienced team can help you secure green infrastructure and other wildlife improvements in a wide range of circumstances. If you would like a free initial consultation call then please get in touch below:

Chris Fleming




McLoughlin Planning is excited to announce the acquisition of Plainview Planning Ltd.

This significant merger unites 13 planning professionals and three support staff from both companies, enhancing our capabilities in providing ingenious, commercially-minded solutions to town planning challenges. With a shared culture rooted in trust and integrity, this collaboration will enrich the service offerings to our clients, providing a broader spectrum of expertise and augmenting personal development opportunities for our team members.

Nathan and Jenny McLoughlin will head the company. Jenny, supported by the very skilled Caroline Pitt and Elle Jones, will focus on finance, HR, client care, business development and marketing. Nathan leads a team of highly knowledgeable and skilled strategic planners: Russell Smith, Polly Mason, and Alex Eatough, all of whom have expertise in strategic land promotion and major mixed-use and residential developments and all who have proven track records of adding significant value to land through their strategic planning advice. Alex is a specialist in town centre regeneration, mixed-use developments, student housing, and residential developments in rural and urban settings. This team marks an exciting time for McLoughlin Planning and its strategic planning capabilities.

Chris Fleming, Catherine Hoyte, and Chris Moore will oversee the development management aspect of the business. They will lead a team of highly skilled, caring, and professional planners who provide outstanding planning advice for rural, urban, commercial, and residential needs. Catherine Hoyte is an expert in development control management strategy. Sam Eachus and Catherine are not only town planners but also chartered surveyors. Sam is a dedicated rural planning professional and a member of the British Institute of Agricultural Consultants, bringing great value to the private clients and estates Chris Fleming advises. We are excited to introduce this expanded team of highly effective development management services delivered by exceptionally knowledgeable individuals.

In recent years, McLoughlin Planning has established an office in London and achieved success with numerous planning applications due to Chris Moore’s extensive knowledge of planning issues in the London boroughs. The team’s capabilities were further enhanced when Polly Mason joined in January. This capability will continue to grow with the experience and knowledge of the Plainview team, especially the expertise of Marcia Perkins, who has local know-how, experience, and a strong history of successful planning applications in southeast England. This focused expansion into the southeast accompanies McLoughlin Plannings’ considerable experience with projects throughout central and southern England, especially in Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, and Warwickshire.

To find out more about our exciting additional team members, please click here.

“We are delighted to welcome the talented team from Plainview Planning into our fold. Together, we will continue to deliver exceptional, client-focused services that adhere to the highest standards of excellence and creativity in the planning industry,” – Nathan and Jenny McLoughlin. 

For more information, please email Nathan.mcloughlin@mplanning.co.uk or jenny.mcloughlin@mplanning.co.uk

What to expect

Class Q is a well-known part of the planning system which allows agricultural buildings to be converted to residential use as a permitted development right. From May 21st 2024, the Government’s latest changes will be brought into effect. The purpose of this Briefing Note is to highlight the key changes and critically, what they mean for those wanting to convert or make alterations to a barn.

The buildings are no longer solely limited to agricultural use

The first key change is that the building does not have to be in agricultural use, but it does have to be part of the same unit. Class Q has been amended to allow for the change of use of agricultural “buildings” to dwellinghouses. The building can be part of an established agricultural unit (i.e. an existing agricultural barn) or a former agricultural building that was (but is no longer) part of an established agricultural unit. Therefore, this amendment has the potential to release barns which may have served other purposes within an existing or former farm. This addresses a key issue we’ve found with Class Q applications in that agricultural buildings on farms often play host to a series of activities, not just agriculture (e.g. ancillary equine activities).

However, there are pitfalls, in the case of a Class Q conversion where a barn (the site), that was (but is no longer) part of an established agricultural unit and has been used for any other non-agricultural purpose, then they will not benefit from Class Q. What is unclear, is how this impacts barns where new or current owners have been using a barn unlawfully for an alternative use for a period below 10 years.

Floorspace and Unit Numbers are up

The amendments provide some positive news by increasing the number of homes which can be secured via a class Q from 5 to 10. To allow for this, the maximum amount of floorspace available for conversion has now risen to 1,000 sq.m. However, the floor space of any dwellinghouse developed under Class Q is now limited to up to 150sqm, a reduction on the previously permitted rights. Therefore, for example, to accomplish the maximum delivery of homes under Class Q, you could convert a 1,000sqm barn into ten dwellings, assuming each dwelling is no more than 100sqm.

This could reduce the attractiveness of buildings to single-occupiers looking for a ‘grand designs’ bespoke barn conversion. However, the trade-off is that more residential units can be achieved.

Extensions are allowed

You can now extend as part of Class Q with a single-storey rear extension for up to 4 metres. However, there must be existing hardstanding which was in place on the 24th of July 2023 which the proposed extension would replace.

Concluding thoughts

The changes are interesting and bring into sharp focus more potential than previously allowed for. However, the same limitations apply in terms of the siting of the building and the somewhat subjective decision as to what constitutes works which are “reasonably necessary” for the conversion to take place.

Whilst there are many welcome changes in the legislation, there are also new pitfalls, which can impact Farm and Barn owners looking to explore taking advantage of the new prior approval rights, particularly Class Q.

This is just a summary of the changes, and because of the delicate detail of these permitted development rights, it we cannot stress enough the importance of an early discussion to develop a strategy and plan how to manage your farm, barn, or forthcoming agricultural building purchase to ensure you can take advantage of the above-permitted development rights or alternative means of securing permission.


Our team of planning consultants are more than happy to answer any questions you have in regard to these changes.

Enquire today for your FREE consultation call.