McLoughlin Planning are pleased to have sustained the planning permission for Sheen Mount Primary School’s swimming facility in Richmond, London.

The additional hours will support a health and wellbeing initiative by the school for their staff and provide additional swimming lessons for children on a new scholarship programme to learn this life-saving skill.

Whilst variations to opening hours can be straightforward, in this instance the school’s proximity to neighbouring residential properties and local parking constraints, concerns relating to an increase of noise from the swimming facility during weekends and the impact of drop off and collection on highways were raised by residents and the highway officer.

Working proactively with both the case and highway officers, and using TFL highway data, we were able to demonstrate that students primally travel to the school by foot/cycling or scooter rather than by car and that travel is highly sustainable. In addition, we were able to reach an agreement on limiting the number of students per lesson to manage the level of movement and noise from the facility.

We are so pleased to have helped ensure that further students will be able to secure lessons for such an important lifesaving skill and provide education staff with further opportunities to support their well-being.

4 key successes:

  • Earlier opening times for students and staff to utilise the facilities.
  • Evening swimming classes.
  • Noise management plans controlled.
  • An opportunity given to children who want to learn this life saving skill.


If you would like a FREE initial consultation call, then please get in touch!

Chris Moore,


McLoughlin Planning are pleased to have helped secure Permission in Principle for up to 6 residential flats in the London Borough of Lewisham. This is the first Permission in Principle application determined, and approved, by this London Borough.

The landowner approached us to help find opportunities to holistically enhance and expand an existing mixed-use commercial and residential property to provide additional apartments. Through our initial planning research, we found evidence of neighbouring regeneration taking place and upward extensions permitted on other corner plot properties within the Borough offering comfort that such a proposal could be supported. However, because of site specific planning constraints (such as a nearby listed building) and the Council’s lengthy planning validation requirements for a project of this nature, the landowner wanted some reassurances from the Council that in principle the proposed development could be supported before investing in the work required for a full planning application.

Permission in Principle applications (PiPs) are a useful planning tool for landowners seeking to initially secure an “in principle” agreement with a Council on their proposed development. The application type considers only the location, land use and amount of development. PiP’s are limited to up to 9 residential units and therefore are suited for smaller rural development proposals or intensification or smaller brownfield developments in urban areas.

Following submission, as this was the first PiP in the London Borough of Lewisham, McLoughlin Planning worked closely with the Council to help ensure the Permission in Principle application was being determined correctly and to assist with providing additional information and reassurances (where required). Working with a proactive case officer, we are pleased to have successfully provided the landowner with the required comfort for a new sustainable development, and a new local case study on the benefits of Permission in Principle for property owners within the Capital.

 If you would like a FREE initial consultation call, then please get in touch!


Chris Moore,


Permission granted for 5 dwellings in Blockley, Gloucestershire, Cotswold District Council

Mcloughlin Planning are thrilled to have helped a landowner secure planning permission for the demolition of a single dwelling and the erection of 5 well designed dwellings in a sensitive location in the centre of Blockley.

The proposal site formed an existing dwelling and commercial garaging in the centre of Blockley, set within the Conservation Area and the Cotswold AONB. Working closely with the Architectural team, technical consultants and the client, we evolved a scheme which would make best and most viable use of the site taking into consideration the  constraints of the site, including the size, location sensitivity and existing conditions.

Being in the heart of Blockley it was important to engage with the Council and local community to understand their assessment and thoughts on the development. The Council agreed that the proposal was proportionate in scale, complimentary to the character, and supportive of the vitality of the local community and therefore considered acceptable.

The development site’s location in the AONB and Conservation Area and with a high number of mature trees, meant that the architectural design, landscaping, and layout of the proposal needed to be carefully considered to be sympathetic and where possible enhance the existing conditions to reflect the prevailing character and appearance of the area.

This project demonstrates the importance of a carefully considered scheme designed holistically to ensure the proposal addresses the constraints and provides betterment where possible, and the importance of a well-assembled project team.

If you would like a FREE initial consultation call, then please get in touch!


Chris Fleming,



Image Source: Tyack Architects

McLoughlin Planning is overjoyed to have helped a landowner secure permission in principle for the development of a new family home near Thornbury, South Gloucestershire.

The landowner tried to secure planning permission for a new home on the outskirts of Thornbury. Unfortunately, planning permission was refused by South Gloucestershire Council because the proposal site is outside a defined settlement boundary where local planning policies prevented development of new homes.

The landowner approached us to discuss submitting a planning appeal against the decision on their behalf. Whilst we believed the site could be considered sustainable, we advised against submitting a planning appeal because the proposal did not fully comply with the requirements of Local Plan policy. However, the Local Plan was over 5 years old and we believed key planning policies were not consistent with the Framework.

Therefore, to evidence this position, we advised awaiting the outcome of a large development planning appeal in Thornbury, as this would advise us further on the weight and relevance of the planning policies which were considered in this case.

Upon determination of the planning appeal in Thornbury in December 2022, it was found that the Council did not have a 5-year housing land supply. Furthermore, it was found that key strategic Local Plan policies were no longer consistent with the National Planning Policy Framework. As these key policies formed part of the previous reason for refusal issued to the landowner, this change in position offered an opportunity for the site to be re-considered for development.

To act on this, we advised the landowner to submit a Permission in Principle, which would allow the principle of developing a new home to be tested without the need for full detailed plans or supporting information.  This offers both the benefits of saving both initial time and financial resource whilst applicants test the principle of development before progressing with a later technical matters planning application.

We prepared a case setting out the sustainability of the proposal site, benefits of the proposal and the weight applied to relevant planning policies as part of the decision-making process. The case officer agreed with our assessment, and we welcomed their support in ensuring the case could be determined favourably as a delegated decision, despite objection from the local Town Council.

The proposal offers a useful case study on how a change in the Local Plan’s weight and the outcome of important planning appeal decisions can influence the outcome of planning applications. In this instance, we are excited to have after many years of waiting helped this landowner secure the principle of development for their new family home.

If you would like a FREE initial consultation call, then please get in touch!


Chris Moore

01242 895008