Chris Fleming




Chris is a highly experienced planning consultant with a wealth of local government planning experience. He started work in local authority for Tewkesbury Borough Council as a Planning Investigations & Conditions Compliance Officer before becoming a Trainee Planner. He later progressed to Senior Planner at Cotswold District Council and went from Senior Planner, to Associate Director, to now Director at McLoughlin Planning.

He has substantial experience in development and rural planning as well as conservation. Having managed projects within conservation areas as well as listed buildings and barn conversions. He also has extensive experience in enforcement and appeals as well as residential related projects.


Chris is pivotal in managing several of our long-term strategic housing projects. He is also our in-house specialist on the planning requirements for medical centres and Hospitals with experience working on projects such as Stourport, Minchinhampton and Ratby Medical Centres and the Ellen Badger Hospital in Shipston Stour.

Chris has extensive experience within rural planning and has worked on a number of historic barn conversions and replacement dwellings . Chris works with a number of private clients advising on planning strategy for historic rural estates involving Listed buildings within the Cotswolds and West Oxfordshire and has also advised on a number of equine related developments.

Given his planning enforcement background Chris has dealt with a number of projects requiring the submission of lawful development certificate and regularising unlawful development.


Sport and outdoor Pursuits including Camping, Skiing, Rugby, Football, Road Cycling and Horse Racing.

View Projects

New Wildlife Ponds in the heart of the Cotswolds

Mcloughlin Planning is pleased to have secured planning permission for a series of wildlife ponds (one in Dorset, Cirencester and Withington) with the Dorset Council.

The application concerned Wildlife ponds which required planning permission because of their need for engineering operations to implement. The initial concept was to introduce a single pond within the site, however, the original application had to be withdrawn due to concerns around landscape impact.

The key issues raised throughout the application:

  • Landscape impact
  • Impacts on the existing biodiversity on the site.

After consultation the scheme was updated to include 3 smaller ponds, to ensure greater habitat diversity and to create additional complementary habitats as well as the main features. The 3 smaller ponds were all connected to allow water flow and of different sizes to promote greater diversity.

We worked alongside Petra Ulrik Landscape Architects to ensure that the proposal was sympathetic to the landscape and utilised native non-invasive species of planting to be consistent with the area’s existing character, whilst providing biodiversity enhancements. Having Petra on board from the start ensured that the proposal was developed with a clear understanding of how the proposal would alter the existing landscape and to ensure that native species were included at all stages.

The proposal offers useful insight into the possibilities of developing agricultural land for biodiversity net gain. By implementing a wildlife haven in this location the biodiversity and landscape character of the area are richer than if existing agricultural practices were to continue.  In our experience, providing wildlife ponds in a sympathetic manner adds both to the character and the biodiversity of the site and the wider setting. The pre-application process allowed for open discussions on the proposal’s concerns to overcome issues including landscape impacts at an early stage and ensure a smooth application process.

By working proactively with the Local Authority through the application life cycle we were able to ensure a smooth process where the application was determined within the statutory deadline.

Our experienced team can help you secure green infrastructure and other wildlife improvements in a wide range of circumstances. If you would like a free initial consultation call then please get in touch below:

Chris Fleming


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Permission granted for 5 new homes in Blockley

Permission granted for 5 dwellings in Blockley, Gloucestershire, Cotswold District Council

Mcloughlin Planning are thrilled to have helped a landowner secure planning permission for the demolition of a single dwelling and the erection of 5 well designed dwellings in a sensitive location in the centre of Blockley.

The proposal site formed an existing dwelling and commercial garaging in the centre of Blockley, set within the Conservation Area and the Cotswold AONB. Working closely with the Architectural team, technical consultants and the client, we evolved a scheme which would make best and most viable use of the site taking into consideration the  constraints of the site, including the size, location sensitivity and existing conditions.

Being in the heart of Blockley it was important to engage with the Council and local community to understand their assessment and thoughts on the development. The Council agreed that the proposal was proportionate in scale, complimentary to the character, and supportive of the vitality of the local community and therefore considered acceptable.

The development site’s location in the AONB and Conservation Area and with a high number of mature trees, meant that the architectural design, landscaping, and layout of the proposal needed to be carefully considered to be sympathetic and where possible enhance the existing conditions to reflect the prevailing character and appearance of the area.

This project demonstrates the importance of a carefully considered scheme designed holistically to ensure the proposal addresses the constraints and provides betterment where possible, and the importance of a well-assembled project team.

📞 If you would like a FREE initial consultation call, then please get in touch!


Chris Fleming,

01242 895008


Picture reference: drawings completed by the company we worked with for the project, Tyack Architects
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Ellen Badger Hospital

McLoughlin Planning has secured planning permission to redevelop Ellen Badger hospital, Shipston-on-Stour, Warwickshire to provide a much-needed BREEAM Excellent integrated health and well-being community hub, that includes a medical centre, café, well-being centre, and a community garden. The project is a great example of the NHS pulling together its different functions and services.

Whilst the proposed development replaces an existing medical centre, the development’s edge of settlement location, re-siting, and a significant increase in size (both in floor space and height) to accommodate the additional demand of the local community were key planning and design issues which we needed to assess and overcome.

We worked closely with architects One Creative to ensure the proposed development respected its context and edge of the settlement location to provide a positive example of new development for the community. For example, the existing river to the back of the development site has been incorporated into the scheme as part of a community garden creating a place for nature and tranquillity.

Our understanding of the policy requirements of Stratford District Council, and the undertaking of a meaningful pre-application submission and public consultation allowed us to advise the South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust on a planning strategy to ensure that the parameters of the proposed development were policy compliant.

Due to the scale of the development proposed and, for the Trust to retain essential services for the community, we worked with the Council to find an appropriate way through suitably worded planning conditions to break up the development into 2 phases. This avoided the need for two separate planning applications and provide a clear and single reference point for the Trust to ensure compliance with their planning permission.

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If you are interested in finding out how we can help you please get in touch